The Cats of University Heights: Brisk

I don’t recall why some kitties have been ignored. I think that I thought this shorthair might be Cuddles, as they were seen about a block or so apart. But on closer examination, they are distinctly different.

The Featured Image comes from Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra on Nov. 5, 2023. Vitals: f/2.4, ISO 50, 1/1000 sec, 10: 44 a.m. PDT. Nickname: Brisk.

Have a petting party: ScruffyRoly PolyWooSkullBiscuitThe ColonelWhite,  Chipper, Frisky, Stretch, Honey Bunny, Farfisa, Mates, Hunter, Pee-PeeBlue, Blue Too, Bonded PairPatience, Fess, Jumper, Frenemy, Looker, Cozy, Scout, Lurks, Skit, Mini, Betty, Black and White, Stalker, Bell, Chill, Sammy, Scratch, Poser, Star, Grey and White, Watcher, Herman, Comet, RomanWillow, Chub, Nimbus, Watson, Lilo, Kit, Pepe, Henry, Sebastian, Spot, Booger, Ash, Veruca, Riley, Mellow, Bonde, Cocoa, Glass, Black, BeBe, Fang, Bruce, Siamese,  PouncePenelope, HaikuFraidy, PesoDaniel TigerDuskStrideDainty,  Spry, Tabby, Betty Too, Still, Levi, Shadow,  SophieWinkFerals, MommaCharlie, Tux, Cool, Benny, Bandit, Itchy Valentino, Goldie, Anthony, Amanda, Siesta, ChaCho, Charlie, Too, Mika, Crystal, Seeker, MittensDancer, Smokey, Monkey, Captain Blackbeard, Johnny, Maeven, Tink, Chunk, Curious, Hanoi, Bella, Tarry, Guido, Maxine, Mr. Kitty, Peohe, Panda, Frankie, Moose, Twain, Willow, Too, Nelson, Reddy, Burglar, Laramie, Lupe, Bright, Norman, Charm, Buddies, Milo, Ohana, Seer, Fresh, Token, Lola, Carl, Bramble, Finny, Cal, Lilly, Zander, Mew, Penny, Charlie (the Third), Bob, Apple, Persepolis, Sebastian, Too, Holiday, Snow, Desire, Luci, Torbie, E.T., Bushy, Cali, Precious, Gracie, STAR, Sky, Amble, Aylin, Lucky, Herbie, The Love Bug, Roadie, Harley, Kit (Coon), Dizzy, Moophie, Lucy, Choontzy, Abby, Kitty, Stella, Tigger, Mimi, Sweet Pea, Donuts, Envy, Vivienne, Stripe, Smokie, Dare, Gipper, Little, Bushy Black, Princess Leia, Darth Mew, Phil, Maui, Patch, Royal, Sleepy, Spice, Dutch, Striker, Maxie, FluffGazers, Georgia Twain, Friends, Cupcake, Caddy, Ginger, Shrub, Brumble, Junebug, Patriot, Backyard, Prim, Tuna, LilyTiger, Nala, Poise, Amazon, Night, Olive, Honey, Shine, Sugar, Clarity, Alfredo, SID, Bashful, maow maow, Sentinel, Grape, Usher, Serenity, Teach, Tocino, Stark, Huey, Tranquil, Storm, Mitsie, Monarch, Ruff, Shadow, Too, Calm, Brick, Shy, Mewl, Valentine, Siamese Twins, Tony, Mao, Starlet, Sly, Alley, Luna, Sphynx, Jake, Rocky, Peanut, Giotto, Swirl, Rosie, Smudge, Bliss, Charlie IV, Risky, Pinky, Patches, Ninja, Cat, Olive Oil, Toasty, Mandy, Ludwig, John Adams, Hawk, King, Fuki, Pace, Astral, Zeppelin Pom Pom, Forrester, Glow, Cricket, Lively, Gucci, Misty, Topper, Jester, Sable, Dragon, LeoSentry, Zephyr, Steppy, Jedi, Pedro, Namaste, Kitty (Oh, Boy), Chums, Spunky, Zero, Hero, Meadow, Dash, Savvy, Squint, Poinsettia, Sparkle, Gem, Kip, Ranger, Maceo, Sparky, Glory, Petri, Autumn, Buttercup, Huck, Ash, Too, Spy, Keen, Danger, Promise, Chum, Jolly, Shade, Shelter, Digger, Mercy, Mustachio, Tang, Pebbles, Sprint, Blossom, Birdy, Dusky, Bella, Too, Lily, Velvet, Scamper, Sylvester, Friday, Candor, Hope Tangerine, Rebel, Alvin and LB, Snowy, Cocoa, Too, Chancy, Frosty, Speckle, Whiskers, Spur, Charger, Houdini, Mona, Pepto, Sundown, Spirit, Prowler, Sadie, Puss, Domino, Sundae, Measure, Lovely, Angelo, Tails, Peek-a-Boo, Bubbles, Demure, Stern, Cobby, Grasshopper, Gleam, WeepyBlueberry, Buff, Champagne, Pepper, Clover, PeachBelloDido and Dodger, Paws, GooseOlive, Too, Breezy, Alcatraz, Aisho, Curly, Mane, Gallant, Amanda Too, BonBon, Spooky, Leery, Mr. Frankie, Schroeder, Annie, Majestic, Tango, Suave, Smooth, Joy, Jasmine, Bear, Wary, Plush, Georgy, Carrot, SweetieRomper, Noir, Posy, Honcho, Loki, Samba, Gracious, Proudfoot, Silver, Snuggles, Rick, Spalding, Mocha, Bold, Grit, Cookie, Delilah, Ozzie, Droopy, Cutie, Jax, A.C., Gypsy, Winter, Petey, Spartacus, Damsel, Jack, Pixie, Parker, Squeaky, Meowy, Springer, Scooch, Tinsel, Queenie, Cinnamon, Gazer, Happy, Smokey (Maine Coon), Kittens, Pudding, Mizu, Muncher, Cuddles, Saunter, Tucker, Dragon Claws, Solemn, Champ, Posey, Little Spunky, Mittens, Too, Bleu, Noire, Chicken, Regal, Creamy, Wilbur, Leo, Too, Rosie, Too, Kuro, Oreo, Scooter, Dagger Tooth, Coy, Conrad, Sheen, Tom and Jerry, Apricot, Sharky, Dreamer, JadeFrost, Coal, Fabby, Juicy, Arrow, Chocolate Pan, Guapo, Defender, Doodle, Blackie, Solo, Jabba, Twinkle, Sneaky, Meegels, Forest, Lanky, August, Retro, Homey, Nugget, Tracker, Quizzical, Butterscotch, Oliver, Shakey, Lonesome, Boo, Mariner, Nutmeg, Jet, Fancy, Thin and Slim, Scamp, Tula, Sphynxes, Comber, Destiny, Pawky, Baron, Raven, Peeky, Aristocat, Scorpius, Timber, Sunny, Cotton, Bristle, Floofy, Oliver, Too, Firecracker and Dynamite, Cuddles, Too, Mouser, Mickey, Nickel, Liberty, Twilight Twins, Moonpie, Tsuki, Cheshire, Meek, Muffy, Mochi, Marble, Marvel, Whisper, Milo, Too, Aura, Forlorn, Pumpkin, Esther, Silky, Priceless, Zoe, Gorgeous, Coalette, Oliver and Harvey, Peek-a-Boo Too, Puff, Diana, Peep, Rascal, Champion, AI, Blaze, Lavish, Scuff, Mousy, Ivy, Kiko, Guy, Jot, Jux, Aurora, Smore, Vim, Bear Bear, Rainbow, Tag and Tig, Yuki, Mr. Norris, Pussyfoot, Chippy, CalicooCharmer, Oliver (the Fourth), Gummy, Red, Kitten. Creamsicle, Topcat, Blush, Tip and Tap, Mango Cat, Mystic, Sage, and Kello.